Tour To Petra From Amman

Amman The Rose City Jordan Travel Petra Articles

Introduction of a Tour To Petra From Amman 

A Tour To Petra From Amman is an ideal way to experience one of the world’s greatest archaeological wonders. Known as the “Rose City,” Petra is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. This journey offers a unique glimpse into Jordan’s rich history and captivating landscapes, all within a day’s travel from the capital. Whether you’re fascinated by ancient civilizations or simply looking to explore breathtaking sites, a tour to Petra from Amman is a must-see.

The Journey Begins: Amman to Petra

Your adventure starts with an early morning departure from Amman. The drive to Petra takes about three hours, offering a scenic view of Jordan’s diverse terrain. As you leave the modernity of Amman behind, the landscape gradually shifts to rugged, mountainous areas. This change offers a preview of the natural beauty that awaits during your tour to Petra from Amman.

Arriving in Petra: The Gateway to History

Upon arriving in Petra, the stunning Siq, a narrow gorge that serves as the entrance to the ancient city, greets you. The Siq itself amazes with towering rock formations and a winding path that builds anticipation for what lies ahead. As you walk through the Siq, each twist reveals more of the ancient Nabataean civilization’s artistry, making it feel like a journey back in time.

Unveiling the Treasury

The Siq opens up to your first view of Petra’s most iconic monument, the Treasury (Al-Khazneh). This intricate facade, carved directly into the sandstone cliff, stands as a masterpiece of ancient engineering and artistry. The scale and effort behind creating this structure over 2,000 years ago truly inspire awe.

Exploring the Depths of Petra

Beyond the Treasury, Petra unfolds into a vast archaeological park filled with wonders at every turn. As you explore this ancient city during your tour to Petra from Amman, numerous tombs, temples, and monuments tell their own stories.

  • The Monastery (Ad Deir): Climb approximately 800 steps to reach this large and impressive monument. Although the climb is challenging, the spectacular view from the top offers a panoramic vista of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
  • The Royal Tombs: Petra’s kings and elite likely found their final resting places in these grand tombs, carved into the cliffs. Each tomb displays unique, elaborate facades and intricate carvings, showcasing the Nabataeans’ architectural prowess.
  • The Roman Theater: The Romans later occupied Petra, leaving behind this theater that accommodated up to 8,500 spectators. Its well-preserved condition offers a fascinating blend of Nabataean and Roman architectural styles.
  • The Colonnaded Street: Once the heart of Petra’s commercial district, this street lined with shops and market stalls now provides a peaceful place to stroll and imagine the city’s past bustle.

Petra by Night: An Enchanting Experience

If your schedule allows, consider staying for the Petra by Night experience. As night falls, thousands of candles illuminate the path to the Treasury, creating a magical ambiance. The sight of the Treasury bathed in soft candlelight, accompanied by traditional Bedouin music, offers an unforgettable experience that adds a mystical dimension to your tour to Petra from Amman.

Practical Tips for Your Tour to Petra from Amman

  • Timing: Start your day as early as possible to maximize your time in Petra. The site is extensive, and there is much to explore.
  • Footwear: Wear comfortable shoes, as you’ll walk a lot, including some uphill climbs.
  • Hydration: Carry plenty of water, especially during the warmer months, as the desert climate can be dehydrating.
  • Guided Tours: Consider hiring a local guide to enhance your understanding of Petra’s history and significance. Their insights can enrich your experience.

Returning to Amman

After a full day of exploration, you’ll journey back to Amman, arriving in the evening. The drive back allows time to reflect on the incredible sights and experiences of the day.


A tour to Petra from Amman offers more than just a day trip; it immerses you in one of the world’s most fascinating ancient civilizations. From the awe-inspiring Treasury to the expansive Monastery, Petra captivates the imagination and leaves a lasting impression. Whether you’re a history buff, an adventurer, or someone who appreciates natural beauty, visiting Petra is an essential part of any Jordanian itinerary.

For more information and to book your tour to Petra from Amman, visit Jordan MW Tours.

Tour to Petra


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